"Do not fear mistakes. There are none."
—Miles Davis

"To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
—Scott Adams

Sally in her studio

"Art is like beginning a sentence before you know its ending."

Child Prodigy Ryan Wang on Ellen May 2013. Bear in mind: He's 5 years old!!

Ellen: "How do you remember all that music?"

Ryan: "It's in my memory and I love it and sometimes it just goes to my fingers. I don't get nervous, I just like to play!"

Hearing that conversation made me think of someone else: ME! What lives in my soul sometimes just goes to the brush and I just like to play!


To learn about my current exhibits, please click and view the first link (Nature, Flora and Fauna).


    Each link below sends you to one of my Albums. In each Album, your options will be to:

    • view the images as an entire album as you scroll down the page, or

    • see them one-by-one by clicking on the first image, then follow the side arrows to move along, or

    • use the "More Options" vertical-dots-icon at the upper right and select Slide Show

    • if you wish to see the names of each piece of art, you will find them in the one-by-one option, above

    • return to the website page to click on another link by clicking on the back arrow until you reach the site

    Click on each link below to enjoy some play with color!




Nature, Flora and Fauna | Whimsy | Inspirational